7 Marriage Prayers When Your Patience Wears Thin

The joining of two unique personalities in marriage is a beautiful opportunity for couples to support and complement one another. Yet, the differences we bring to our marriages can also be the grounds for conflict and frustration. Sometimes, our patience wears as we attempt to bear with, understand, or support our spouse.

Thankfully, God has provided wisdom for how to deal with these emotions that he created.

Even Jesus experienced impatience on earth and uttered the words, ” . . . how long must I put up with you?” (Mark 9:19 NIV). When similar feelings threaten your marriage, turn to God’s word and pray through it to strengthen your patience and calm your spirit.

Here are seven marriage prayers for when your patience wears thin. Read them to yourself or out loud. Insert specific details, names, and situations where appropriate.

When You Feel Too Different: Based on Matthew 19:4-6

Lord, I know that You created us male and female, which means that You intentionally created us to be different. We have left father and mother and have been united in Your name. Help us to remain one flesh. You designed marriage for unity, not division. Your power and plan joined us together, keeping frustration and impatience from separating us.

When You Question Your Husband’s Leadership: Based on Ephesians 5:22-23

Father, I believe that You are a good creator and that Your creation works best when it follows Your design. You designed men to lead their families. I have committed in my heart to follow Your guidance, God, but I need to remember to follow my husband’s guidance as well. Help me to trust Your design for marriage. I sometimes want to run ahead and take charge. Remind me to wait. By trusting my husband’s leadership, I am ultimately trusting You.

When Your Lack of Patience Causes Worrying: Based on Psalm 37:7-9

God, I come before You in stillness. I am pausing in my own thoughts in order to hear Yours. I am fretting over things that I cannot control and over situations in my marriage that are beyond my control. Keep me from anger. Keep me from worrying. May my impatience with the situation not lead to sin on my part. I know that You will perpetuate justice. Help me to wait for Your solution.

When You Keep Trying But Nothing is Working: Based on Galatians 6:9

Jesus, I am weary of doing good. I feel that I am giving my best effort, and yet things are not working out as I had hoped. I want to give up. However, You promise a harvest for our work. I believe in Your promises. I am asking for You to renew my hope that I will one day reap the blessing after enduring.

When You Need Humility in Your Marriage: Based on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Your word says that love is patient, but I do not feel patient. Let Your kindness flow through me. Show me my errors so that I won’t consider myself better than my spouse. Forgive my impatient speech and put gentle words in my mouth. I have been wanting things a certain way, Lord, but I know that I should put my husband’s needs above my own. I feel so irritated with this situation, and the frustration is growing bitterness in my heart. Wipe away that resentment. Show me Your truth. Help me to bear the hard, to believe in Your plan, to hope in restoration, and to endure the things that I dislike.

When You Need Peace and Grace: Based on Proverbs 18:22 and Proverbs 21:19

May it be true of me that my husband had found a good thing when he made me his wife. Help me to bless my husband today. Keep me from creating an unpleasant atmosphere in my home due to my impatience.

When Impatience Gets in The Way Of Love: Based on 1 Peter 4:8

God, You are love. First and foremost, keep love in my heart. Prevent stress and frustration from blotting out our love. May we act on love rather than impatience. Help me strive for and fight for love intentionally. May I see Your love for my spouse and look at them through that lens rather than focusing on their mistakes or differences? Put Your love for him in my heart.


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