5 Hard Questions Kids Ask About Easter (And How to Answer)

Kids don’t set up a time to hold deep theological discussions with us. Instead, at any given moment, they can launch a tricky question our way before we’ve even had our first cup of coffee (or before we’ve even figured out the answer for ourselves)! This is especially true during Easter when symbols of crosses and empty tombs spark curiosity.

As parents, we want to nurture our children’s faith, but sometimes, their profound questions about death, sacrifice, and resurrection can be particularly challenging to answer in child-friendly ways. But the good news about the Good News is that you don’t need a theology degree to answer with confidence and grace! Here are five common questions kids ask about Easter and simple, age-appropriate ways to respond.

1. “Why did Jesus have to die?”

This question often comes when children first begin to understand the Easter story. Using everyday examples can help kids grasp this concept.

The simple answer: Jesus died to take the punishment for our sins so we could be close to God.

What to say: “When we do wrong things, there are consequences. Sin—the wrong things we do—separates us from God because God is perfect and cannot be around sin. God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to make a way for us to be with Him forever. Jesus took on the consequences of our sins for us. It’s like if you broke something valuable and couldn’t pay for it, but someone who loves you stepped in and paid the full price. The Bible tells us in Romans 5:8 that ‘While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’ Because of what Jesus did, we can now be forgiven and have a close relationship with God again.”

2. “What does it mean that Jesus rose from the dead?”

Resurrection can be complicated for kids to grasp because it’s so different from anything they’ve seen or experienced in real life.

The simple answer: Jesus defeated death to show us that God’s power gives us eternal life.

What to say: “Jesus’ resurrection means that He came back to life after He died. It’s like when you plant a seed in the ground. It looks like it’s gone forever, but then it grows into something new and alive, like a flower or a tree. Jesus’ resurrection is like that, but even more amazing! The Bible says in Matthew 28:6, ‘He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.’

“Jesus came back in His real body. The disciples could touch Him, and He even ate food with them. When Jesus rose from the dead, it showed that His sacrifice for our sins worked! God accepted it, and now we can be forgiven. Jesus’ resurrection demonstrates His victory over sin and death, not just for Himself but for believers, too.”

3. “Where is Jesus now?”

Children think in very literal, physical terms. So they might wonder how Jesus can be in heaven and with us at the same time.

The simple answer: Jesus is in heaven with God, but He is also always with us through the Holy Spirit.

What to say: “The Bible tells us in Hebrews 12:2 that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the throne of God in heaven. But Jesus also sent us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us feel Jesus’ love and learn to follow Him. The Holy Spirit is like the wind. We can’t see the wind, but we can feel it when it brushes against our skin or blows through our hair. We can see what it does, like making trees sway or kites fly.

“When we pray, we can talk to Jesus even though we can’t see Him. He hears us and helps us, just like a friend who’s always with you. Even though we can’t see Jesus, we can feel His love in our hearts and see how He helps us every day.”

4. “What happens when people die?”

This question often comes after a child experiences loss for the first time, whether it’s a family member, friend, or even a pet.

The simple answer: If we believe in Jesus, we will be with Him forever in heaven.

What to say: “When people who love Jesus die, their bodies stop working, but the special part inside them that makes them who they are—their soul—goes to be with Him in heaven. Jesus told us in John 14:2-3, ‘I am going to prepare a place for you… so that you may be where I am.’

“Heaven is a safe place where there is no more sadness, sickness, or pain. We miss people when they go to heaven because we can’t see them or talk to them right now. And it’s okay to feel sad about that. God understands our sadness. But if we believe in Jesus, we know we will see them again someday in heaven.”

5. “How can I get to heaven when I die? How can I be sure I will go to heaven?”

This might be the most important question of all, as it gives us the opportunity to share the gospel with our kids.

The simple answer: By believing in Jesus, asking Him to forgive your sins, and trusting Him as your Lord and Savior.

What to say: “Jesus promises in John 3:16 that ‘whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ We don’t get to go to heaven by living a perfect life or doing a certain number of good things. None of us could ever be good enough on our own. We get to heaven by believing that Jesus died for our sins and rose again and by asking Him to be our friend forever.

When we believe in Jesus and ask Him to forgive us, He promises to do it! The Bible tells us in 1 John 1:9 that ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins.’ Once Jesus is your Savior, nothing can separate you from His love. Would you like to talk to Jesus about that right now? We could pray together, and you can tell Him that you believe in Him and want Him to be your Savior.”

Simple prayer of salvation: “Dear Jesus, I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and that You came back to life. I’m sorry for the wrong things I’ve done. Please forgive me. I want You to be my Savior and the leader of my life. Thank You for loving me and for the gift of heaven. Help me to follow You every day. Amen.”

Helping Your Child Build a Strong Faith, One Question at a Time

Each time our children ask big (or little) questions about Jesus, it’s an invitation to deepen their faith. It’s okay if you stumble through the answer or don’t offer perfectly polished theological explanations. Your authentic answers, paired with Scripture, will plant seeds that the Holy Spirit will nurture. And, hey, give yourself permission to say: “That’s a great question! Let me think about how to explain it better,” or even, “Let’s look that up in the Bible together.”

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