When Life Goes Sideways God is Steadfast

Do you ever feel like life is an ever-moving target? It can feel like a carnival game where all the pieces are moving, and you’ve got to hit one to win the prize. You set your eyes on a promotion, and the company lays you off. You feel on top of things at home, and then things shift. Now, you’re struggling to regain your balance.

Life goes sideways sometimes. All the best-laid plans can crumble. But one thing is sure in this life: God will never fail you. He will never forsake you or leave you to figure life out on your own.

In a world of ever-moving targets, He is steadfast. He is unchanging. When you’re struggling to maintain your sanity, His presence can steady you! The key to keeping your life on track is to make Him your focus.

Keep Your Eyes on the Lord

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken” (Psalm 16:8 NIV).

Imagine that! A life that is not shaken. A heart that is not rattled when disappointment—or even disaster—happens. That’s who you can be if you keep your eyes on the Lord.

King David wrote this psalm. Although God anointed him the next king of Israel, he experienced great heartache and tragedy in his lifetime.

I love the Bible story of David when he was dodging King Saul. Saul was jealous of David and had turned against him, hunting him down with the intent to kill him. David was literally running to save his life and the lives of those with him. His family and friends depended on David to make the right choices and take the right steps.

David Sought the Lord

David knew that only God could save him from the wicked Saul. Only God could keep him and lead him and his family safely into his destiny. 1 Samuel 23 is the story of David seeking God’s guidance. David’s eyes were focused on the Lord, and he sought God’s direction for every “next step” of his life. Read this:

“One day, news came to David that the Philistines were at Keilah stealing grain from the threshing floors. David asked the Lord, ‘Should I go and attack them?

‘Yes, go and save Keilah,’ the Lord told him” (1 Samuel 23:1-2 NLT).

David asked—and the Lord answered! But then we read that David’s men were afraid to fight the entire Philistine army despite the Lord’s direction. Undaunted, David went back to the Lord to ask for confirmation of what to do next.

“So David asked the Lord again and again the Lord replied…” (1 Samuel 23:4 NLT).

David sought God first before making his move. If you read the whole account in 1 Samuel, you’ll find out that even when circumstances shifted—things beyond David’s control—he was not flustered or frustrated. He simply went back to the Lord for guidance.

David’s life is an example of what to do when life swerves and our best-laid plans fall apart. Keep your eyes on God and ask for His guidance. You can’t be shy or intimidated about this; the Bible encourages us to go to God!

Ask God For Wisdom

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5).

Whatever wisdom or guidance you need today, for the big things as well as the small, God is there for you. Just like King David, you can have God’s wisdom for every next step of your life.

Life can be a crazy ride sometimes, but God is steadfast. Keep your eyes on Him, and you will not be shaken!

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